Patch Work: “Robbers” by The 1975  - BOSS Articles
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Patch Work: “Robbers” by The 1975 

“Robbers” by The 1975 is an ode to dysfunctional relationships reminiscent of Bonnie and Clyde. Learn the licks and how to get its spacious sound on the BOSS Katana. Header photo by SS Young

3 mins read

“Robbers” was released in 2013 on the self-titled debut studio album of British rock band The 1975. The 1975 was praised for its genre-blending mix of pop rock, ’80s synth-pop, indie rock, and electronic styles. The culmination of five years’ work, the band endeavored to create an album stacked with singles. The album spent 179 weeks on the UK Albums Chart, hitting number one in September 2013.  

About the Song     

Frontman Matty Healy’s lyrics are inspired by Quentin Tarantino’s 1993 romantic crime film True Romance, specifically Patricia Arquette’s call girl character, Alabama Whitman. On the surface, the lyrics tell the story of a heist gone wrong. But dig deeper, and the song explores the implications of a toxic relationship in which each person robs the other of happiness.  

Breaking It Down 

Healy’s patient vocal delivery and the track’s lush instrumental soundscape contrast the lyrical darkness. Healy and Adam Hann’s layered reverb-drenched guitar performances, accompanied by steady drums and ambient keys, create an immersive tapestry of sound.  

“Robbers” opens with reverberating arpeggiated guitar chords. The repeating chords build into the layered chorus, where the main riff, power chords, and lead lines stack for added depth. The contrasting guitar lead intertwines with Healy’s vocals for additional melodic interest.  

"The repeating chords build into the layered chorus, where the main riff, power chords, and lead lines stack for added depth."

Learn the Licks 

Tune in to the Marty Music YouTube channel for a detailed breakdown of “Robbers” and learn how to play it on guitar. The tune is in the key of E. Watch the video closely as Schwartz demonstrates the guitar intro. To round out this section, supplement the lead with the sparkling synth part translated for the guitar.  

The chorus comprises the same set of chords but “more straight.” Schwartz then shows how to incorporate the rhythm part into your performance. Eventually, the song reaches a chord change featuring the same lick in minor. In the original recording, the bridge is not played on guitar, but Schwartz also teaches how to play this section. He points out that “Robbers” is inspired by “With or Without You” by U2, and you can hear The Edge’s influence throughout the progression.  

"'Robbers' is inspired by 'With or Without You' by U2, and you can hear The Edge’s influence throughout the progression."

Finally, put your newfound knowledge to work for a complete track performance. To achieve The 1975’s tone, visit the BOSS Tone Exchange and download the free “1975 Thieves” lead guitar patch for tons of spacious sustain on the BOSS Katana.  


"1975 Thieves" Patch for BOSS Katana

  • In the style of “Robbers” by The 1975

📥 DOWNLOAD: “1975 Thieves” Patch

Carolyn Shlensky

Carolyn is Sr. Brand Copywriter, Roland. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two Mini Schnauzers and enjoys digging through vinyl, books, and thrifted clothes.